House of Deception

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4694

The being huddled in the corner of the cottage might have once been a man, but no more. It lookes as if chunks of several animals had been hastily thrown together with no regard for how they might fit each other. The only thing that remained vaguely human were the eyes - they reflected more pain than Sir Fred had ever seen.

"Idiot heroes," Hamel spat. "Thinkin' to look fer mages in the obvious spots! Danger ain't always all thet obvious, ya know! That there one thought he was a big warrior, too, an' look where it got him! Now let's see what we can make outter you!"

The chanting began to get louder, and Fred felt a wave of pain wash over his body. He knew he had to do something quick! He grabbed for the dagger concealed beneath his tunic.

  1. Sir Fred threw the dagger straight through Hamel's throat.
  2. Sir Fred threw the dagger into Hamel's leg.
  3. Before he do anything, Sir Fred felt the transformation take hold!
  4. Unexpectedly, Bertha hit Hamel over the head with an iron pot.
  5. Suddenly, the door burst open and in rushed a man with a wand.

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Bill L.

3/6/2000 1:23:37 PM

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