The Home of Hammel the Hay Merchant

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 2855

Fred accepted Hamel's generous offer, and the two rode into the west side of Vjorica. The city lay a long ways to the west of the central kingdom, and was thus far away from the juristiction of the King. It was a pleasant city, but it was also a divided city, shrouded in mystery. One half of it's population shunned sorcery and the arcane arts, while the other half embraced it and used magic at their own leisure. This division could be seen in the architecture, dress, and custom of the people. The west side was filled with simple stone structures, being home to those who shunned the way of the arcane. The east side was full of strange spires and temples, it being home to those who embraced those things.

The cart rode along through the twisting cobblestone streets as a fog began to settle upon the city.
"Blasted fog." Hamel muttered. "Methinks the blitherin' mages are the cause o' it. It's been coverin the city like a wool blanket every night since the woods went quiet. Ye can't tell me it's just coincidence!"
Fred nodded.

They finally came to Hamel's home, a modest, two-story cottage with a small stable to the side of it. A warm light poured out from it's windows and a steady stream of smoke poured out from the chimney.

"Me humble abode!" Hamel said, grinning slightly. "I welcome it's sight after my long travels!"
They stabled the horse and entered the cottage through a side door. As Fred entered the house a most pleasant aroma hit him.
"Thelma, I meet this 'ere lad on the north road. His name is Fred, he's come to Vjorica to slay a mage!"
Thelma was a short, chubby lady with bright blue eyes and a warm smile.
"Any mageslayer is welcome in this home!" She exclaimed, nodding to Fred. "Please, have supper with us! We're having rabbit stew!"
Suddenly, Fred glimpsed a pig in the corner of the room. He raised an eye

  1. Hamel nodded to Fred and said "Meet my son, William, turned into the pig three years ago..." And began telling the sad story.
  2. Hamel nodded to fred and said "Meet the last fool who dared enter me home, he called himself a 'mageslayer' aslso!" And then started chanting the words to a spell.

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