Astra's Desparate Anti-Juggalo Plan

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 44976

The stench of the two Juggalo filled Astra's nostrils, almost overwhelming her. But through an enormous effort of will, she tried to concentrate on forming a plan. She aimed a roundhouse kick at the grotesquely fat creature, but its blubber was so thick that she couldn't penetrate it and her leg broke. Fred was still singing ugly, crude childlike music and staring blankly into space. Astra wondered if the music was somehow central to their power. If she tried to sing a song, an actual song, it migh weaken them... Even as the two clown-things lunged at her, Astra began to sing:

  1. Scarborough Fair by Simon and Garfunkel.
  2. Some rap song that's supposed to be good. (I am the whitest white person in existance and know as little about rap as most people do about the Legion of Super-Heroes.)
  3. Macarthur Park, which unfortunately summons up an evil entity that even Juggalos fear, the Great Old One Richard Harris! Ia! Ia!

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