Let's go over this again, shall we?!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4027

Inquirer notes that Rift's face flushes a bit before he answers.

"We've been over this before," the lawyer mutters. "It's a way to sactify a relationship before God....or whatever gods you believe in. As well as setting up a way to divide property when one of the parties dies and all....."

"We dwarf don't do it that way," Tarin whispers proudly. "A couple for....relationships is chosen by the King of the Clan, and thus has it always been. Simple and neat, without all this silly stuff about marriage vows......engagements and such."

"And the.....relationship that produces offspring, the parents don't raise the children.....but the entire clan," mutters the lawyer, shaking his head.

"Easier and more efficient," Tarin says, again smiling. "Which brings up another point. Why do humans seem to like producing large families? Even if dwarves were as......robust in that area as humans.....it seems to be a strain on resources.....discounting the fact that the resources in question are the married couple and not a clan....."

Rifts looks thoughtful for a second, before answering that one. The dwarf had finally asked a new question in this vein, instead of tromping down the old path.

Inquirer, interested despite herself, listens further. She was rather interested in the state of affairs on this world.....in this regards herself!

"I have to say it has something to do with.....what you dwarves like to call return on investment," the lawyer says quietly. "See, though raising a small family of modest means is less of a strain on the.....resources, it means that when the kids grow up.....the COMBINED resources that the children have to draw upon when it comes time for the parents to be old and not able to work like they had been....when younger. That and in the usual course of things, unlike the case of the analog Freds, there is always the rule of 'hand me downs.'"

"The newer siblings using the clothing and such from their older siblings when they grow out of them?" the dwarf asks, nodding, suddenly seeing the point. "Ah, that makes sense now. It's sort of like creating......a retirement plan or that social security that seemed to be all the rage in Walants....before...."

"Exactly," sniffs the lawyer. "But as far as that 'social security' nonsense......I doubt that if I'd bought into it I'd have seen anything when I retire! The spending practices of the High King $&*( ... .shameful!"

  1. Tarin is about to say something more when he shouts and stands up! He has a glazed and wild look in his eyes and is pointing out the window......

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