The Visitor

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 383

Fred and Velus backed up to one side of the entrance. A young woman came in. Fred swung out and slammed her against the wall. He had her dagger out to her throat in less then a second.

"Who are you?" he growled.
The woman looked back at him with hate in her green eyes. "I am the Third Shoggoth. When the Fifth arrives, you world will be swept away by evil and the natural balance of the universe will be restored. Now unhand me and I may kill you swiftly."

  1. Fred unhands her.
  2. Fred kills her.
  3. Fred and the woman appear in a ballroom, decked out for a night of dancing.
  4. Fred gasps!
  5. And then...
  6. Fred absorbs her soul
  7. Sounds like rubbish to Fred

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