They insisted.....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3817

Inquirer's pouch suddenly flashes, and she finds Probe's Avatar standing next to her, at the ready.

"The others wanted to come along.....Astra 3 and Fred 3," Probe says to his subordinate officer, Inquirer. "But I talked them out of it. They've all had a long day and aren't up to this right now....."

Inquirer nods and the battle is joined.....

Inquirer hold back a second while she pulls out a special gem that.....was of the same type that Rosepaw had used on her. It was the same type that now had her conscious inside. It was the same type that was bonded between her new seat of consciousness and her Avatar.

  1. It was the type that, if the others could pin the traitor long enough, she could properly apply to the traitor's forehead.....

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