Velus is Cured! (Sort of)

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3211

Velus began to glow and the page ripped from the Book of Curses crumbled to dust in Fred's hand. The little doggy's shape was outlined in an intense white-yellow light which began to grow and get brighter. The outline quickly changed and twisted from that of a four legged canine to a more human looking biped form. When the light vanished and Fred's eyes cleared, he saw a teenaged boy sprawled on the floor at his feet.

Velus moaned and slowly stood up. "Here," Fred said and threw him a coat, "put that on." Velus grabbed it and thanked him. "How do you feel?" Fred asked. Velus shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck, "It feels like my head was used as an anvil, but other than that I'm ok." Fred eyed the young man cautiously and then said, "Good, because I have something to tell you that you probably won't like."

Velus looked up at the knight with a frown. Fred smiled at him sheepishly. "Um, I think I mispoke the spell. While you're obviously not a dog anymore, I think you've now become a werewolf and under the light of the next full moon you're going to change into a murderous, blood thirsty, half-beast that will try to kill anyone and everyone that happens to be nearby. Like your family for instance." Velus closed his eyes and let the words sink into his brain. His shoulders shuddered and then he looked back up, straight into Fred's eyes, and said, "You are such a loser."

"Oh don't blame him," the completely ignored man standing off in the corner singing a lullabye to a rock said. Both Velus and Fred turned to him. "I mean, what did you expect asking a knight to recite a magician's spell? You should have asked a magician you young fool headed hooligan." The man then went back to his lullabye. Fred took a step forward, "You wouldn't happen to be a magician, would you?" The man stopped singing again and replied, "What a silly question, Johnny. You know perfectly well that I'm a magician. Have you been sniffing glue again?" Velus then ran up and grabbed the man, "Well if you're the magician then you can fix me and make me normal again!" The old man slapped Velus' hands away and said, "I suppose I could, you rude boy. But you'd have to do something for me first." Velus nodded his head up and down, "Anything!" The old man sat down on a rock and his face filled with sadness. "You must help me find my wife. She's a prisoner of the Dragon and is kept somewhere in the caves below us. Now come along Johnny, let's go find your mother." And without waiting for Velus to give his answer the old man hurried out of the room.

  1. Fred and Velus ran after him

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