Story Cops Arrest Lots42

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3043

Story Cops place Lots42 in an internet free holding cell for a day. This is the usual way of dealing with authors who cannot keep themselves out of the story.
The cell is very wide. There are comfy recliners, plenty of books, a few nice windows and a wide screen TV in the corner playing 'Will And Grace'. Other authors sit around. Two very familar faces are putting together a puzzle of um...Jack...from 'Will And Grace'. Lots42 was unaware there even existed a puzzle of Jack. Much less one without his shirt.
What does Lots42 do now?

  1. Help with the puzzle.
  2. Talk to some of the other authors.
  3. Cry and scream.
  4. Attempt to eat the TV.
  5. Take some painkillers.
  6. Beat up Josh Burbank.
  7. Play Winback 64, despite having a migraine.
  8. Play cards with Josh Burbank. Both of them cheat. Badly.
  9. Escape via the badly hidden trapdoor.
  10. Pretend to drive a semi.

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