Fred and Jon are attacked

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 28313

The mysterious man sent a bolt of power at Fred and Jon, but they were already running.
The bolt shattered stone. Chunks flew. They might have hurt the two kids but they had already rounded one of the passage's many corners.
"Hold on!" said Jon.
"What, we gotta get to the gaurds!"
Jon's hands flared and the corridor behind them burst into flames.
"Move!" Jon said, pushing Fred ahead. "It won't last long!"
The two children made it past the suit of armor. Now to the gaurds!

  1. They reported what they saw and the whole castle was awake in minutes. The cook was found, affected by magic.
  2. Anyone who could possibly help had been put into a deep sleep. Sort of. The maids and the butlers rallied to do what they could.
  3. The castle was empty of all people except Fred and Jon and whoever was pursuing them and getting closer!
  4. They reported what they saw, and the guards took them to their parents.

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