Much More Than Adequate

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 26467

Astra gazed deep into Mr M's eyes again and she realised, as when she did so before, that he was much more than merely adequate. What is it about him that affects me so? she wondered. I've seen many handsome men before, but none has had a tenth of the effect on me that he has done. Is it true love, or simply lust?

"I'll take the barmaid job," she found herself saying.

"Excellent," Will said. "Your hours will be 11am till 2pm and 6pm till 1am, six days a week. We're closed on Mondays. When we've finished our tea, Lil will show you where your room is... Have another piece of cake."

Astra sat back down at the table, took the slice of cake, and began eating it, much more slowly and thoughtfully than previously.

"Velus and I will be moving on in the morning, won't we Velus?" Fred said.

"Where will you be going, Bunny?" Fogeno asked. "I might come with you."

"Er, I haven't quite decided yet, but I'm sure it won't be anywhere that you'd like," Fred hastily responded. "Where can you get to from here?" he asked Will.

"Everywhere - or nowhere," was Will's cryptic reply.

"Huh?" Fred said.

"Well, you see, it all depends. But if Mars is in Aquarius, which I think it is at the moment..."

He paused for a moment, and Lil said to Astra: "I'll show you your room now, dear."

"Fine," Astra said. She followed Lil out, so she never got to find out what effect Mars being in Aquarius would have on those wishing to travel from the Enterprising Inn.

Lil took Astra up several narrow flights of stairs, then opened a door and ushered her in. "This will be your room," she said.

  1. "Er, it's very nice," Astra said politely.
  2. Meanwhile, we rejoin the continuing conversation around the tea table.

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