
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 25421

As Fred and Rikki stepped from the platform onto the rocky outcrop that served as a platform, Fred couldn't help but feel a vague sense of anti- climax. They strode through the stone doorway of the building before them, and Fred looked around skeptically. They were inside a large merchant store. And the only thing on sale was cheese.

It was a cheese shop.

Rikki walked over to the merchant himself, a ragged old rat with one eye and a single yellow tooth that was so large it pushed the old rat's bottom lip down. "Give me six large wheels, Ericolytune." said Rikki, clearly friendly with the merchant. "And I mean large this time."

"Well, that's my sale of the day!" exclaimed Ericole.....Eric as he turned down a seemingly random aisle containing innumerable shelves of indistiguishable cheeses. "What's the occasion? Your girl got the plague?"

"Supplies, Ericolytune. Giving my new friend here a finger in the right direction." replied Rikki, nodding his head Fred's way.
"Another adventurer, eh? I swear they've started growing them in fields. Just you watch your own back, Rikotyuki. It's not safe out there, not with that dragon."
"You know me, Ericolytune. Death gave up on claiming me a long time ago."

Fred was bursting with questions. Whilst Eric was busy gathering the cheese, he took the opportunity to walk up beside Rikki and ask...

  1. "I thought mice ate cheese?"
  2. "How long have you people lived in these caves?"
  3. "Can I have some cheese?"
  4. "How do you make all this cheese? I see no cows."
  5. "Do you know anything about cholesterol?"

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