You're the Two

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 22635

After engaging in his attack from the rear, Lord Fred is suddenly bombarded with two hundred pounds of dragon excrement, the product of the dragon's steady diet of giraffes.

The sudden onslaught of crap wasn't enough to kill Fred, but it did bring him to the ground, just a few yards away from the dragon's rear orifice. Gasping for breath, Lord Fred lies in a hideous and enormous pile of shit, an equal mix of solid and liquid waste. The stench is unbearable. To top it off, his sword was lost in the explosion.

Now what?

  1. Fred goes complelely insane.
  2. Fred fights it off, retrieves his sword, and goes in for another attack.
  3. The dragon suddenly sits down on Fred.
  4. Fred suddenly realizes where his sword has gone to: he's impaled on it.
  5. Three of Lord Fred's long lost friends fight their way out of the dragon's bum.

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Ben McClellan

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