Oh my God! She saved Kenny!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17734

The gathered assembly of Voyager crewmembers, both human and furry just look at the greeter in confusion. The blonde woman blinks, and quickly recovers.

"Oh, silly me, it's all the fashion these days," the blonde laughs nervously. "I . . . never mind. Welcome aboard."

The blonde smiles, and greets the rest of the oncoming passangers. Scott frowns a bit, looking at "Kathy" (as called by her namebadge) as he and his family is escorted to their room. He can almost swear that the blonde's smile is almost . . . . forced.

That thought passes, and soon Scott and the rest of the crewmembers who are on break enjoy themselves in the recreation of a 1970's show that has had various reincarnations in latter years. The biggest topic of discussion, afterwards, is the bartender, Isaac. The guy seems to always be at every bar, tending customers, wherever they go. Heck, the guy never seems winded, but he's always there!


"What do you mean, there's something strange about our guests?" the Captain of the Loveboat asks Kathy, puzzled. "I saw them, and the only thing that I noticed is that they seemed to have been in real need of our vacation package."

"You didn't notice that some looked like . . . . humanoid animals?" Kathy asks, not believing the way that this is going. She was sure that the CAPTAIN, of all people, would have noticed something so strange! Everyone else she had approached . . . . .

The captain looks down at her strangely, sniffs her breath, and sighs. There's no hint of alacohol on her breath, but . . . .

"Kathy, I'll overlook this incident . . . . once, but I suggest that you lay off the booze." the captain says, leaving.

Kathy stares, stunned, after him. She then wonders off, going to her next assignment, not knowing what else to do to say. She knows what she knows. Why can't the others see what's WRONG here!

In that train of thought, she almost sees too late the danger one small person is in before it's too late.

The holodeck had been brought back into shape after the beating it had took under the influence of the Pa'gh Wraith, but it still had a few bugs in it, unknown to the Engineering crew who had worked so hard and long on it. This time, another character from another holodeck program is disoriented to find himself suddenly inside the Loveboat holodeck program.

The small boy looks around, wanting to know how he suddenly found himself here. Where is that fat tub of lard, Carmon, and his other friends gone. They had been patiently waiting for the bus, when he suddenly found himself here. Not only here, but he suddenly found himself uncomfortably warm in his parka, something that he had NEVER felt before, even in the hottest of weather. The boy reaches up, and begins to remove his bulky outfit . . . . which strikes him as suddenly odd. He never remembers wearing anything else . . . . . never remembers taking this outfit off.

Kathy, looks up, and sees that the skaffolding that the boy in the is standing beside is shaking as the worker is moving around on it. Almost like it . . . . .

"LOOK OUT!" she screams as she dives and knocks the boy out of harms way as the skaffolding collapses. She and the boy look back and see that the worker is muttering, and picking himself up. If Kathy had been a hair slower, the boy would have been seriously injured, or worse.

"Are you okay?" the blonde asks unnecessarily.

The boy blinks, looking up at Kathy, and then silently nods his head, surprised. His parka lies under the scaffolding.

"Thank you," the boy says. "I would have been killed by that thing."

"Well, you look okay," Kathy says, looking over the strange boy. "But I need to get you down to Doc's. Just for the the insurance reasons, you understand. Oh, by the way, what's your name, kid?"

"Kenny." the character from South Park says, smiling.

  1. On the way down, Kathy and Kenny bump into the strange passengers from the Voyager.....

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