/o Drilling In The Morning, Drilling In The Evening o/

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17733

Deck fires, shuttle explosions, loss of enviorment...all this is drilled and drilled and drilled again.

It doesn't work. Morale is still low.

The human bridge crew gathered in the conference room.
"We're losing them, Captain." Kim said. "It's sunk in. Back in our respective universes we at least had a chance of getting home. Now in this universe, where the very basic laws of physics seem to have changed, we're really not, well...you know."
"Yes, I know, Ensign." Janeway said.
"It gets worse, Ma'am." Paris said from his spot at the far end of the table. Janeway noted that Torres's right hand was intertwined with his left. She let it slide. Now wasn't the time.
"Last night while in the mess hall," Tom continued, "I overheard some voices discussing nearby Class M planets and the possibility of colonies."
Inwardly, Janeway felt her heart sink. She felt like hitting something. They were not going to go through all of this just to give up.
"More drills, Captain?" Chakotay asked.
"No. No more drills. We're running them to exhaustion. We're out of options. We're out of ideas. The recreational programs don't work. The drills don't work."
"Captain." said Neelix, sitting to her right. "I know what's wrong. Violence."
Janeway looked at him. One eyebrow arched. "Do go on."
"Violence, Captain. Text based games full of violence. Holodeck programs full of violence. We need to bring back the resort."
"I almost got killed in the holo-resort, Neelix." Torres said.
Paris felt her hand tighten to the point of pain but he said nothing.
"Fine." Neelix continued. "No resort. But I have an idea."

Hours later...
Scott was the first to enter the holodeck. A sun shone down on a busy, busy dock. Ahead of him was a green felt ramp leading up to an extraordinarily large ship.
"Greetings!" someone shouted. Scott turned to see a gaily attired, natural blonde in some sort of naval uniform. "Welcome, Welcome, Welcome." she beamed.
"Allow me to welcome you to the 'Love Boat'."

  1. "Come aboard. We're expecting you. And you. And my goodness, you have a tail!"

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