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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17709

After mentally shouting the warning to the winds, facing three other Scotts. Scott can tell that that the human is another Scott by his looks, but he only gets a feeling of "Scottness" from the others. The others look to be the furries he heard about in other people's dreams.

"Well, you gave the warning, so now what?" the other human looking Scott snaps. For some reason, this other Scott looks angry enough about something that he's ready to bite somebody's head off..

"Well, I the reason I'm here is because I'd just like to know who the heck was calling me." the African lion morph, he then gives a vicious jab into the chest of the angry Scott. "But I DID NOT come here to be snapped at, so COOL IT!"

The other human Scott visible bristles, and it almost looks like things will come to blows when "our" Scott and the fox morph Scott step between the two angry Scotts.

"Calm down, both of you." the fox morph says in a calm, rational voice. Our Scott can see that he's visibly agitated by all of this, however. His tail is thrashing about in a similar manner as furry Janeway's does when she's agitated about something. "We seem to know each other . . . heh. . . but we don't, if you catch my drift. Maybe if we tell a little about ourselves, we can at least keep things calm?"

"Hey, look, I'm sorry about snapping at you guys." the other human Scott says, looking weary. "I've just had a fun time with this one . . . . uh . . . . unusual love. It's like this . . . " The other human Scott then tells how in his universe, he had fallen for a Seven of Nine who had changed into a shuttle craft. This Seven had also fallen for this Scott, and both had gotten a ration of drek from several of the more . . . . provincial members of that universe's Voyager. A few names are mentioned.

"Hmmm, considering that some of those people had been involved in the early fist fights about . . . . misunderstanding about the nature of the furry members of the Voyager crew . . . . " the fox morph mutters.

"Seems that similar things happened on my Voyager, also." our Scott sighs. "But, I guess that since I haven't gotten any comments about my marriage to furry Ensign Wildman, they've learned a lesson, or at least have gotten enough lumps to learn to shut up! I hope that it's the former, rather than the latter. Makes it look like we've learned something in all those years . . . ."

The others nod solemnly, then our Scott notices the fox morph looking at him strangely. Our Scott waves for the fox morph to speak.

"You, actually married Wildman?" the fox morph asks in a wistful voice. "What happened to her husband back home?"

"No husband." our Scott mutters. "Just a creep who lied about protection, and . . .such as life, if you must know."

"Oh." the fox morph says, embarrassed. "I'm kinda got an eye for my version of Wildman, but . . . .she's spoken for. Anyway, my story is unusual. Well, not for us, but . . . I had that energy dampening material on, and I STILL change from a human to a fox morph. A rather good looking one at . . . uh. . . well." The other Scott laugh a little at the fox morphs little show of vanity, and smile to show that they are only laughing in a good natured way.

Finally, the loin morph steps up.

"Well, until I got this mental call about this Scott collective, I thought my life couldn't get any stranger." the lion morph says, rubbing her furry cheek. "And if I ever had this chaos energy, apparently Q or whoever took it away before I was even aware of it's existence. Can't say that I miss it. Not that life on the Voyager is ordinary, with or without that energy . . . . "As for my story, I . . . at some toast that a transformed Seven of Nine who'd turned into a toaster had toasted." the lion morph continues. "It was crawling with those funky nanites, and . . . . well, it turned me and a few other crew members into furries."

Our Scott tells his story, and the others are about to leave when they hear a far off Scott give a scream of anguish, and Scott finds himself back in Sickbay, with the Doctors hovering over the Tuvoks, who look dazed.

"They are okay." the furry Doctor says after a time, after furry Samantha hugs a relieved Scott.

"What happened?" is the main question asked.

Scott reports that the mission was sucessful. This strange Scott collective has been held at bay, for now. Now is the time for life to continue. Now is the time for Scott and his family, that by marriage and by coming aboard, to continue on it's way "home."

  1. And so, over a glass of milk....

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