Tea and terrible trouble.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17699

"I was having TEA with the Hansens?" Scott asks nobody in particular. He then shakes it off. "Or was it one of my analogs?"

"Human Seven says it's probably one of your analogs." his daughter says, smiling.

"Furry Seven wasn't taking it so well as the human Seven was." human Naomi says in a subdued voice. "I think it had something to do with seeing her parents." Scott mulls that over, and nods. It would figure that the data packs in question are from the furry universe, what with the fact that little of the human Voyager got beamed aboard (people had been rightly deemed more important than things).

"Could be that it wasn't quiet as . . . . real to the human Seven as to her furry counterpart.." furry Samantha says, patting her daughter. "It could just be that."

Scott shrugs. He wasn't a counselor, and really didn't want to try to be one. His wife was probably right, though. Human Seven probably could convince herself that the furry figures on the screen are just strange actors. Easier for the human Seven than the furry Seven, since the furry one can see more of herself in people on the screen, physically, than the human one can. A thin, frail thing, but probably enough.

"Dear, what was I . . . . the other Scott talking about with Seven's parents about the Borg?" Scott asked his daughter gently.

"What? Oh." furry Naomi blinks. "He was saying that it was a bad idea hanging around the Borg cube, studying it. Said that they were just asking for trouble."

"But Seven's parents were dismissive about that Scott's warnings, saying that they had things under control." human Naomi chimes in. "I don't know exactly what was said next by the other Scotts and Seven's parents because the picture and the sound kept going in and out."

"But what we DID see was strange." furry Naomi says, excitedly. "Seems that this other Scott was shouting at Seven's parents about being stupid . . . . and something about . . . .'Dark Frontier.' Then we saw this other Scott moaning, and popping out of existence, and then something about the shields that prevented the Raven from being detected cutting out."

"'Dark Frontier' . . . doesn't ring a bell." Scott says, thinking aloud. "Could be an episode that I hadn't . . . . never mind. It doesn't matter."

Goodbyes are said, and daughters are put to bed. Wives are cuddled in the bed, and people, after a bit of . . . . playing, go to sleep.

Next day, Scott and furry Wildman are called into Sickbay to see the Doctor about something.

  1. The Doctors look like something is tickling their fancy. There are also some people here along with the Doctors, Scott, and furry Wildman......

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