Many happy returns?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1744

Astra made her anouncement with strength and finality. Andrea Croix seemed dismayed at the proposition.

"What do you mean we're going to see Belboz? He's a black magician! He's dangerous! I'm not going," she flustered.

"I didn't say you had to go. You're more than welcome to return to your father's keep," Astra stated frankly.

"That's ridiculous. I can't go back there!" Andrea stammered.

"Then start walking. It's a long way's to the King's manse," Astra rebutted.

"I will," Andrea stated, and stormed off.

Astra shrugged, and began her trek to the foothills of the home of Belboz, Mount Cicatrice. It was a long and perilous journey through the forest, and eventually, she had to stop for the night.

As she was preparing her bedroll, she heard a rustling in the bushes. Drawing her sword, she moved to investigate.

Suddenly, before her, a figure fell to the ground

It was Andrea. She seemed scuffed and scratched, but that could have happened on her own.

From the shadows, a familiar voice spoke, though she couldn't quite place it.

"She yours, Astra?"

Slowly, from the woods, stepped a face she feared she would never see again.

It was Lord Frederigo D'Honaire.

"I found her lost in the woods," he said, "So I asked her who she was with. Eventually, I tracked you to here."

"Thank the heavens," Astra said, "Let's get some rest. We can catch up in the morning."

Frederigo smiled genially as he rolled out his bedroll. Neither Astra nor Andrea saw the strange symbol that was branded into the palm of his left hand...

  1. The night goes uneventfully, and in the morning their journey continues.
  2. Their slumber is disrupted by bandits.

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