I want my potion back potion back potion back...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17377

Suddenly, a little man with a flowing white beard appeared with a puff of smoke and a *POP*. “Now then,” he said aloud, “where did I leave my Wishing Potion?”

“Uh oh” Fred and Astra said together. The wizard whipped around. “Ah ha!” he shouted. “One of YOU stole my Wishing Potion. Who was it? Who dared steal the private property of Wilhelm the Wizard?

”It was me,” confessed Fred. “I didn’t know whose it was, and I just drank it.”

”You drank it? You drank my Wishing Potion? Do you know how long it takes to concoct a wishing potion?”

”Uh, no.”

”FORTY-TWO YEARS! As punishment for your crime, you shall be my slave for that same period of time!”

Fred quickly did the math. That would make him SEVENTY years old when his servitude ended! He was going to have to find a way out of this one. “What should we do, Astra?” Fred turned around…but Astra was no longer there! “Astra?”

  1. Astra has ditched poor Fred.
  2. Astra is now behind Wilhelm with her daggar drawn.

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