In the clutches

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1626

The dank dripping of water awakened Lord Frederigo D'Honaire to a dreadful scene. All around him were cavern walls, worn smooth by the hands of hundreds of occupants. Hundreds of him.

For he was quite definitely an occupant of this strange room now. He could feel his arms were restrained, and wearily working up the energy to look, he could see they were chained to the wall. Brass manacles held them there, mysteriously well polished for such a dank setting.

As Frederigo pondered his fate, he slowly became aware of the fact that the walls were flowing with water in many places, in fact, he was chained to one such spot.

This gave Frederigo an idea....

  1. Lord Frederigo used the slipperiness of the manacles to his own advantage. He managed to free his hands, however, he had to break both of his own wrists in the process...
  2. Lord Frederigo took advantage of the water's erroding properties, knowing that was why the manacles were shiny. Sensing that one of his manacles had loosened in its mooring, he was able to free one hand...
  3. Lord Frederigo took care to drink the water. It would stave off death, and he wanted to make sure he was alive when his captors came calling...

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