The stranger on the road

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1521

Lady Andrea reigned her horse to a stop just in front of the figure. At this distance, she could see more detail. It was a woman, impressive of build, slender yet well muscled. She bore a mighty claymore upon her back, and Andrea would have bet even money that the woman knew how to wield it.

Oddly enough, however, there was something familiar about this woman.

Lady Andrea had been to her share of royal gatherings, and seen a blur of noble visages. This woman was no commoner.

"Quite the night to be out and about, Lady," the woman said sternly.

"Who...Who are you?" Andrea asked.

"I am Astra, princess of Aquilaria..." The woman said, and seemed to swoon slightly.

Andrea gasped. She was outranked rather severely here. Aquilaria was a neighboring kingdom, even greater than that of the Liege King who granted her father his fief. What's more, his daughter was a mighty warrior. She wondered what could put such a woman out of sorts.

"Are...Are you alright?" Andrea asked, coming down from her horse.

"I am fine, merely disoriented. However, you endanger yourself...wicked things are afoot tonight, Lady. We must travel quickly to safety..." Astra answered.

  1. Lady Andrea and Princess Astra return to Croix Keep.
  2. Lady Andrea and Princess Astra travel with haste to Fortress D'Honaire.
  3. Lady Andrea and Princess Astra travel to see the King, and to ask of Frederigo's progress.

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