Under the Reaper's moon

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1515

Lady Andrea Croix placated Tamery by promising not to go, but she had no intention to really obey. She further assuaged the little girl by promising to put the supplies away herself, so she would take the blame. As soon as the girl left, she packed them into a pack and prepared other things for the journey, including a dagger she wagered would make brigands think twice. Her father could take a dip in the moat for all she cared.

However, she had no interest in attracting attention, and she was by no means stupid.

As the sun set, she made preparations to slip out. She left her midnight oil burning, set tied rags in her bed to give the appearance of a body there, and slipped down to the stables.

True to form, the servants had not yet unsaddled her inky black steed. She hopped on and galloped into the night.

As she rode, however, she saw a figure alongside the road by the light of the crescent moon. She could not make out whether it was a woman or a man, but it appeared armed...

  1. Lady Andrea stops for the figure, unafraid.
  2. Lady Andrea wishes no trouble this night, and gallops past the figure.

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