Enter the Dragon

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 13799

Belboz was still thinking about the right words to tell the now feminine- figured Fred when suddenly a strange sound rang out within the place.


The conjurer gave a startled cry as a reddness appeared on his chest. The old man wavered and faltered from where he stood.


A man walked from out of hiding as the mage crumpled to the floor. He looked young, his flesh was smooth and with a golden tint. His eyes were curved, even as the eyes of the new form in which Lord Fred found himself. The man wore simple clothes of black clothe, his feet were covered in padded sandals. He held a metal star in his hand and hurled them into whatever target he wished; in this case Belboz. The man walked like a tiger, smooth, with confidence, and with a delicate grace.


The last whip of his wrist sent a star directly into the cranium of the poor magic user. Blood flowed freely now and the look of complete surprise was replaced by one of shock and cold death. The mage was alive no more.

Fred was in shock, not at the death of Belboz, but still at his sudden reformation as a lithe woman and now the violent beauty of the man before him. The man was like nothing and no one in Allaria. The nobles were too direct or too secretive in their machinations against foes. This man was direct yet soft, deadly yet with finesse. Fred was finding himself attracted to the man…in a professional manner, of course.

The death of Belboz freed Fred from his paralysis. He lowered the raised sword which he had in his hands, yet he kept it at the ready. The man seemed to be inspecting him. His eyes went up and down, gliding over the slim sword, over the silver breastplate engraved with its beautiful birds of paradise, over the curved eyes of the 'maiden' who stood ready to defend, to maim, to kill (if necessary). In an act that completely surprised the Allarian knight, the man who murdered the mage placed his hands together as if in prayer, bowed low from his waist and murmured the words: "May the golden dawn light upon your nest and the water fowl seek refuge in your rushes."

  1. Fred replied, as if it was most natural: "Sing high the praises of the Ancestors and cut low the life of their enemies."
  2. Fred was too startled to speak.

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