Character Recognition?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 13724

Jenny and her friends are shown into one of the two adjacent rooms.

Astra notices that Jenny's eyes stray to what appears to be several pictures of what Astra can only call the most cute, darling elfin children she's ever seen. Jenny's eyes seem to cease on one picture of a golden haired elfin lass, but then shrugs...putting off the shock of......recognition as being silly.

High Ones! Jenny chides herself, It isn't like that golden haired girl...Well, how can I tell if it's her or not?! Yes, Mother had long silver hair back at the Holt...but with this "rebirthing" business is making my head spin! She might even be a BOY for all I know!

Such was not the case with any of the elves, really, but Jenny was correct on the possibility that her mother being likely to look.....different.

But, due to an extremely mystrious set of senses that she and all Elves seemed to possess (no matter what reality they hail from)......she had actually seen her mother! Jenny Elf had looked upon the elfin eight year old girl that, on another world, had birthed her! Right now, her mother was asleep, a few miles away....and tossing and turning as strange dreams haunt her.

Her pictures and others had been brought here on the off chance that somehow some recognition would happen if it was shown to the dozy elfin boy who'd tried to run past the gate guards a bit ago!

"Oh puckernuts," Jenny swears, reverting to her original birth tongue (something she would find out later was now one of the three languages she seemed to mysteriously had learned upon arriving on Terra Prime). See, back in Xanth, every language was translated magically for the speaker and listener. Communication was shockingly easy for all as far as human to human (or humanoid in Jenny's case). The effect lingered on and translated into this....something new.

That aside, it still is enough to shock the sleeping elfin boy awake!

Sharp eyes focus on the speaker, and Jenny......

"But.....I was told that you had been captured and killed by humans," the elfin boy whispers weakly in the elfin tongue of an now vanished reality, remembering the sad event of his sisters's disappearance so long ago (centuries ago!).

Jenny, at a loss for words, opens her mouth to speak......only to hear a clatter of noise and the surprised shout of one Spaceman (First Class) Jones in the next room......

  1. What lead up to it? Who is it?!

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