By Dragon to the Spaceport

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 13611

By the time they approach the Port, Astra 13, Angela and Charmina have lost their initial nervousness and are finding riding on dragonback an exhilarating experience. After all, they would never have been made Champions had they been easily frightened. Jenny Elf is understandably still a little nervous (the dragons are big and the ground looks a long way down), but Sammy Cat - finding that nothing terrible has happened to him so far - has acclimatised quite well.

Solik'tril Jones and Hathar'ruil are in adjacent rooms at the Military's hospital. (Nimi'aia is under elven medical care only a few miles away.) Having been sedated by anxious medical staff, both are very drowsy, and neither is aware that the other is just the other side of a wall. Fortunately the Military have learnt enough about elven metabolism in the last few years for the sedative doses to make them dozy without risking any dangerous after effects.

  1. Jenny and her friends are shown into one of the two adjacent rooms.

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JH (short, because I'm not very confident about characterising the ex-Wolfriders)

10/23/2000 10:35:01 AM

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