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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 13610

"But the good news is.....that they are alive," Angela, sensing Jenny's distress, says softly as she gently takes one of Jenny's four fingered (the elves of ElfQuest have eight fingers and toes instead of the human ten). "And I believe that our new friends can help get us there."

Indeed this proves to be the case....

Night had set, and the Xanthians (after moving their Portal to a more suitable, and permanent location than the Royal Bedroom) have already left for home. But the Queen and the others were dead set on getting Jenny to her parents in the Elven Nation!

The quickest mode of transportation is brought forth, and Astra 13, Angela, and Charmina are taken aback when it proves to be a large silvery scaled dragon, along with his mate, a crimson scaled dragoness.

They'd been visiting for a monthly diplomatic meeting.....

It takes a bit of doing, but the Queen assures her sister the others that they are friends.

"In fact, we're family," chuckles Dragon Fred, looking down at the stunned human beings below.

"Fred?" Astra 13 whispers, amazed that Fred's voice had come (loudly) from the fiery reptiles muzzle.

"An analog of your Fred, I'm afraid, dear," Malachi D'Honaire says, smiling down with understanding sympathy at the confusion, "Don't worry, though. Human beings are definitely not part of our....or any....dragon's diet here and now. Thank God!"

"This is definitely an interesting family we've been inducted into," Angela D'Honaire (adopted by the Elder D'Honaires via magical mirror), quips to Charmina Thessamer (adopted by both Aninas in person) as they slowly get onto the back of the crimson dragoness.

"I didn't know that dragon's could fly." Jenny Elf, remembering her encounter with the youthened Gap Dragon (led by the young girl, Ivy) when it had saved her and young Che from being eaten by some evil goblins back in Xanth.

Originally, in the first time around in the novel called Isle of View, Jenny and Che (the young winged centaur foal) had been rescued by one teenage Prince Dolph and Princess Nada Naga. But things had altered with the altered fate of Xanth when nuclear war had broken out in Mundania.

But that aside, the Gap Dragon (a stream breather instead of fire breather) had rescued them instead. Jenny had been amazed at the dragon, but had been told (after noting the wings on the beast) that it couldn't fly.

Such, apparently, wasn't the case with all dragons. Both here and in Xanth.

Moments later, the dragons take flight, and Jenny is holding onto both Sammy Cat (scared stiff).

She was also scared, but for the sake of family, soldiered on as Malachi and Dragon Fred radioed (with Military, dragon sized, radios) for permission to land at the Spaceport located within the Elven Nations.

  1. As they soon are approaching the Port.....
  2. Meanwhile, back in the Castle of Aqualaria, Queen Astra........

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