Rachel Banks

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 13394

Rachel Banks was not having a good day....

Actually, that could be stretched to a longer time period than a mere day, but everything was going down the toilet so quickly!! First there was the fact that she got fired from her job for supposed connections to the Mob....and having an affair with Robert (which wasn't happening). Then there had been that phone call from the IRS with news that she was going to be audited.....for the last four years! She had even told Robert about how to contact Brill.

Brill is the....er....cautious type, and she feared how the man would react to Bobby (Robert Dean) contacting him like she'd arranged.

Whatever the case, she hoped something DID come of the meeting! She'd actually did want her life back, even if she did say that she really didn't have a life because she was in love with a married man (the look on Bobby's face when he'd found out it hadn't been him would have been funny if the situation hadn't been so dire).

"But right now I'm going to take a bath," she said to herself as she heads for her bathroom.

The bat had already been drawn. The water was now just the right temperature, and she could use the dip to relax a little.

Damnit, she was entitled to a little relaxation now!

Pratt and the other men of his team, having been told by Hicks to plant the evidence for this next elimination to frame that pissant Dean. Pratt had been happy enough to eliminate that roadblock of a senator, for it furthered the Cabal's goals immensely. Reynold's plans had worked well.....until that birdwatcher had shown up (his apparent suicide under the fire engine had been....extremely odd indeed).

Now to begin to tie up some loose ends, he thought as he snuck up behind and grabbed the bathrobed beauty.

Rachel shrieked in surprise, and yelped in surprise again as Pratt (looking utterly confused) suddenly seemed to fall....up!

He hit the ceiling and felt like a heavy weight was on his chest.

"What the f**k?" he muttered, dizzy.

Shouts of surprise can be heard in the next room....as well as what will later be revealed as the sound of thrown spells....and the thriping chatter of a phaser set on heavy stun!

Rachel, wide eyed, looks at the tall redheaded woman who suddenly appeared...and had done....something to cause her attacker to hit the ceiling!

Spitting out something that sounded....alien, Rachel saw a light form around her attacker head, and then Pratt is snoring like an untuned chainsaw!

"Magic?" Rachel whispers, blinking.

"Rachel.....we need to talk," Ragan says reassuringly as she gently reached out and dragged the shell shocked African American woman (who looked sort of like her movie counterpart....but not totally) into the kitchen, where Betty was preparing some tea.

"Here, this will at least settle your nerves before we start," Betty says kindly.

"I think something a little stronger than tea would be needed for that," Rachel quips, hands shaking a little as she takes the tea.

  1. Her hands shook because, she'd come within inches of getting killed!

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