What came to Fred's cell.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1333

"MOM?" Fred cried in suprise. And indeed it was Fred's mom, the Honorable Lady D'Honaire, she of the baked goods and deadly sword. She was tall and sturdy, with silver hair, muscles to rival most blacksmiths and a suit of leather armor that was polished so sharply, it reflected the walls around her.

Fred jumped up and grabbed the cells. "MOM! You gotta get out of here. This is the dragon's caves!"

"I know! I know! I traded him the life of that furry little bastard of a Lt. in exchange for your freedom. Now come on!"

She produced a set of keys. "What about this man?" said Fred.

"I didn't see you bring him as I ... was running ahead." Fred's mom winked at him.

  1. Fred, his mother and the old man make it outside.
  2. The dragon appears. "So, lady, you betray me!" he growls.
  3. Against all possibillities, they become lost.

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