Native Guide....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 13089

"She seems awfully young to be a parent." Annafrid finds herself whispering to Joan, "What's the deal here?"

"Well, you probably will have a hard time believing this," Joan says quietly. "But....."

After the story....

"You're right, that was hard to believe," Annafrid finally says after giving the waiting a few beats after the story was finished, "Then again.....the sudden appearance of a painted naked woman with two sets of memories, one of a man named Frederigo D'Honaire....the name of several men....analogs of this world....and the other of a peasant lass named Hannah......"

She shrugs her shoulders and smiles.

"I guess I have no real place to doubt," she finally says.

She then turned to Jarlath and smiled an appreciative smile.

"Now, before I continue being rude....I must thank you for aiding me," she smiled, "You not only lent me your cloak to cover me....but you did a world of good in sorting out which memories were true....and which were false."

Lord and Protector above, it would be hard to think that I'd was a man when it's obvious that I'm not now! she added to herself.

She then turned on a thought and looked at Jarlath contemplatively.

He is kind of cute in a way....and quiet the gentleman.... she then thought, surprised at herself. Her memories of Hannah (a name that she was more comfortable it....though Annafrid seemed most fitting for some reason> told her she wasn't prone to just sudden romantic interests.

Jarlath, a fine mage but not a mind reader (and not as adept as some of his family at catching subtle hints in others), doesn't see the rising interest in the blonde mystery woman.

Astra 9 notes it, and somehow.....feels a stab of anger for some reason. She then laughs at herself.

It isn't like I have my eye on Jarlath....or there is something that could happen between us! she chides herself, I mean, he's obviously not interested in that kind of relationship with me.

Basically, this silent show shows that both sexes can be blind on a few matters. Ain't it grande! Equality of the sexes in being oblivious!


Travel gear is hastily gathered and hastily taught "reverse summon" spells are taught to Jarlath, Andrea 2, and Ti'mma. The spell's creator, Grailing (who can still teach), is finally satisfied with his apt students (they had always been his favorite star pupils).

He looks them over, noting that the newcomer, Annafrid, seems to be rather comfortable with the arms and armor she'd been given (the others would teach her the basics of some of the more.....unusual weaponry they have later). She had the hallmarks of a warrior....

"The remains of this dried out cousin of the plant you seek has been diminished with age and death....but I know that it has enough power left for this one spell." Ke'lan sighed as the young adventurers step inside a hastily created special magical spell circle, "As it is, while the glittering path back to Annafrid's world will make this risky operation work, it won't be perfect. It will deposit you all in an safe place in as far as teleporting goes....but beyond that...."

"Go with God," the Emperor wishes them as they vanish.

He then goes over to his wife, Li'reth (love of Ke'lan and formerly a Melissa) , and hugs her.

Then both go to give aid to the distraught parents of the elfin children locked in spell trance.

After that, then there were the dozens upon dozens of elfin children with the shock of re-emerging memories of another life and world.....

It was going to be a long day indeed.....

  1. Be that as it may, we must turn to the youngsters hurtling between realities as they follw a path back to their native guide's (Annafrid's) home reality.....

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