Parental Concerns

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 13009

Astra 9, Joan, Andrea 2, Jarlath, Ti'mma and Annafrid herself all volunteer.

Ti'mma's parents, since they are parents of this special little elfin girl, have a few objections.

This is something that Annafrid expected, since it was obvious even to her, who'd never laid eyes upon a real elf (much less an eflin minor), that Ti'mma is by far much younger than what you normally find in adventurers.

"Ti''re still a child yet!"a red headed elfin woman protest softly. Annafrid does a doubletake when it dawns upon her that the mother of Ti'mma (an elfin woman named Kethiani) looks awfully like her new compatriot, Astra!

"Little know the dangers you'll be facing?" another elf, a black haired male that looks vaguelly familiar.

Like most nobles of Annafrid's world, the part of her that was named Frederigo D'Honaire had little to no experience with actual glass mirrors....only poorly made brass and copper mirrors (if that). As such, the Fred part of her has no real clear idea of what he had looked like (court artist had distorted his and other customer's portraits in such a flattering is their wont in order to win favor and continued food on the table...that there was little to no resemblance between picture and real). Be that as it may, Annafrid does get a feeling of familiarity....just not a clear feeling of recognition.

Ti'mma's face takes on a look of serenity and wisdom....compassion....that is way out of character for one so young (even for an elf).

  1. "You know why I must," she says softly. "I may not share my book counterpart's believe in the wolves but I do think of the Descendants as my own."

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