Ugly truths....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 12512

"I fear that I have grave news...." she begins.

The tale unfolds.....

"It' daughter?" the master of Croix Keep whispers, fearing the worst.


It's a common factor.....

Can't seem to escape matter how hard one tries. Even with the assets at our fingers.

No amount of ammunition can stop it. High technology? No. Nor magic in the end.....

No, let me start from the beginning:

Probe worked frantically to save the fading life force of Andrea 2. Perhaps if he had access to a full medical facility, he could have done more than just slow the fading.....

As it was, the mage that had injured Andrea 2 so gravely had apparently mistaken Evis 7 as being a mere human being, for the first fireball that he'd managed to thrown (the only one he'd been able to throw) had been at Andrea well enough....but Evis 7 had thrown herself in front of the fireball. The concussive blast had thrown the female Golem to the ground in a flaming mass, apparently dead. Now, from what I've been told by my love Ke'lan fireball spells of Terra Prime origin don't have a concussive effect. But this is another universe entirely...... The blast had also blown Andrea 2 off her feet and slammed her into the ground forcefully. She landed in a broken heap....

Later, I was told by the other Andrea that she'd had this silly notion that being armed with a dagger meant that no bandits would dare attack her....for she thought herself well versed in it. This was back at the very beginning when she'd gone out to find romance...and got drawn into present circumstances. This was due to the fact that her father had so sheltered her throughout life that her nearest experience with combat was . . . romance novels. While Andrea had since been disabused of this notion about her battle prowess the same had not been true with Andrea 2. Evis 7 had been at Andrea's side trying to protect the young woman, but had been horrified to see the young girl moving to attack with nothing more than her dagger. Andrea 2 had gotten caught up in the heat of the moment.....

"It....doesn't look very good....does it?" Andrea 2 whispers from where she lay after Probe applied the last application of a medical instrument found in most Star Trek shows.

"No..., it doesn't," Probe said weakly, surprised that Andrea 2 was awake (much less able to speak).

"I can't feel my legs...." she chuckles softly, "I think I know what....that means. And I'm....cold..... Damn."

"And there's nothing you can do to fix it?" she asked ironically, already sure of the answer.

After all, she reasoned, nobody on her world was able to fix a broken back and severe burns which where beginning to make themselves that the shock was wearing off.....

"Maybe......there is....." Probe says slowly, looking over at the demifox mages.

He himself kept (under TIGHT seals so as to spare some of his friends the pain it cause them) a quantity of the needed materials for this to work. And work it had in the past for Queen Astra and King Willian la Post.....

Eyes grow wide when Probe explains his idea.

  1. Probe, not wanting to deny his patient the dignity of choosing something so important.....asked Andrea 2 if she wished to this rather unorthodox means of treatment.....

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