A Tragedy in the Making....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 12473

Andrea is interrupted by a page, who asks them to come and see Queen Astra immediately.

Though not invited, the analog of Andrea's father comes along also.

Though he had little love for those from Aquilaria, one would be wise to pay due respect to their royalty since....as hard as it is for the master of Croix Keep to admit.....their neighbor, Aquilaria was a neighboring kingdom even greater than that of the Liege King who granted him his fief.

That said, this had the smell of vital importance and he would be there to be in the know!

They rush to the main chamber and are greeted by solemn faces....including that of the King and his Advisors.

Queen Astra also has, in addition to a look of worry, a trace of annoyance at not being able to have this message delivered in a less public manner. However, under the circumstances that wasn't feasible.

After all due formalities are done (bowing and such....something that Queen Astra privately was getting tired of since it seemed such a waste of time in her mind!), she speaks.

"I fear that I have grave news...." she begins.

  1. The tale unfolds.....

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