Edgy Revelations…..

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 12054

The party enters the left-hand entrance…..

Well, we did indeed go left! Li'reth sighs as she and the others crouch behind a corner just outside the lair of the great wyrm, Deltumnimos, And we seemed to have gotten a bit of surprise!

Aye, indeed, a surprise! Synizn agrees, shaking his head in shock, furry red locks of hair almost into his eyes (but never quiet reaching it), It appears that Delither's proposal had been followed in this world….

With disastrous results! Synizn 2 agrees, green eye's wide underneath his mop of black hair.

Yes…yes, that sounds horrible, Li'reth agrees, But I think that at least I for one would just LOVE to know who Delither is…and what he had proposed!?

The Astras and Freds echo the young elfin lass' question.

Li'reth notices her love, Ke'lan, give Demifox Synizn a strange look.

Both look worried. Ke'lan looked a bit green, even, while Demifox Synizn's tail is twitching about.

Li'reth idly notes the small tuft of black fur that distinguished this demifox mage from the nearly identical brother, Synizn 2, and silently thanks God for small favors. Unlike the other analogs, the very nature of being a demifox prevented them from changing their hairstyle…..

Fun how their regeneration makes even the smallest changes in length well neigh impossible.

Add upon that the fact that all us new Champions are now immortal, basically, and we have some very formidable mages here, the former human actress sighed to herself. But I think that we have a large "other" shoe to fall…..

  1. And so it does, my love, Ke'lan sighs……

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MSG (with a thankful nod to the Traveller for the bulk of the next few episodes)

8/12/2000 3:25:10 AM

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