Fred enters Hell's Hell

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 106969

Hell's Hell is a typical place where those who misbehave in Hell get sent to the Hell of Hell, called Zyrock. It is a very dark, very depressing place where you are not allowed to move, only to think. Random bodies are lying all over the place. You always feel like you need to breath, but you can't. Very dark thoughts encroach upon your mind. People (or Demons) sent here usually don't return. They don't get a trial or anything beforehand. It sucks.

But Fred is enjoying himself. He doesn't have to do anything anymore. This is the closest thing to not existing (or so he thinks), which is something poor little depressed Fred has always wanted. He was just beginning to think about how to further destroy himself when, out of the darkness---

  1. A portal to Hell opens up and Satan pulls Fred back in, telling him that the universe is under attack!
  2. A portal to Hell opens up and Satan pulls Fred back in, telling him that Minestus has found a way into Hell!
  3. A portal to Hell opens up and Minestus pulls Fred back in, telling him that he has killed Satan and sent him to Hell's Hell's Hell.
  4. Fred gets teleported to the Other Hell.
  5. Fred gets teleported to the Other Satan.

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