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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 102495

He lowers the bow and gives the dragon a long look. Finally he casts arrow and bow on the ground and grabs the edge of the net. He pulls with all his might and manages to roll the net back enough for the dragon to escape.

"You're free now," he tells it.

The dragon looks at him and its amber eyes go from sad to wicked. Fred starts to realize his terrible mistake, but the dragon bursts out of the pit, spitting fire. Yelping in terror, Fred runs and shelters behind a rock. The dragon rears up on its hind legs, wings spread out to their full span, and Fred's eyes widen as he realizes the terrible size of the creature.

Knowing the dragon will come for him in a moment, he looks around for protection. He foolishly had left his bow on the ground by the pit, but he could run for it and fire an arrow; he also has his sword, if he has the courage for short range fighting. He glances about the cave and sees a tunnel entrance not too far away. He bites his lip, unsure of what to do.

  1. He goes for the bow
  2. He charges with his sword
  3. He runs for the exit

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