RE: Round 200

From: Selengut, Jeremy (
Date: Mon Jan 13 2003 - 12:13:43 PST

Bicentennial rule submission:


I set off the first of the fireworks, a blue roman candle, in a graceful
arch over our FaiR City.  It moves slowly and will burn long - 10 seconds to
be precise.  

Each valid rule shall commence while there is at least one firework in the

No valid rule shall make it impossible for a subsequent rule to be

No valid rule shall commence earlier than one second after the previous rule
(because the duration of a rule is precisely one second).  [Of course, the
duration of the fireworks touched off by a rule may last longer, and valid
rules apply to all subsequent rules for the duration of the round as is set
out by the R.O.'s]



-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Weston (Sir Toby) []
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 2:59 PM
Subject: Round 200

Round 200 will start when someone posts the first rule. For the theme of 
the Round, I will take Steve's suggestion from 199:2. I don't really think 
the suggestion from 199:1 applies anymore, and it also became a sub-theme 
of the last Round anyways. As for my suggestion from 199:3, I will save it 
for a later time. I believe the theme of this Round needs to be 
"Bicentennial Celebrations", to celebrate the fact that FRC has finally 
made it to 200 Rounds.

Let the Bicentennial Celebration begin with the posting of the first rule!

Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)

Rule Date: 2003-01-13 19:59:04 GMT

Rule Date: 2003-01-13 20:14:52 GMT

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