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Discussion about The Black Void.

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Post by JH »

There's life on the Black Void. The first episodes in what seems like several years have been posted there, reviving a story that has always been a favourite of mine.
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Re: Heads Up

Post by Anableps »

I posted a new episode in the cafeteria episode. I had to keep it short as I need to get some sleep, but I had some ideas.

Character backstory.

Ulrike - Born 1987 (35-36 years old in 2023) in East Berlin. Well adapted to this new world in some ways. Familiar with stories of authoritarian regimes and how to survive them from older relatives and acquaintances. Strong believer in social democracy. No problem with public nudity per se, and in fact believes that going without clothes in some public settings (like the clothing optional beaches or parks) is a good thing from the standpoint of removing distinctions between classes of people. Her two objections to this world's implementation of it would be that the nudity rule does not apply to everyone equally, and that it is compulsory. Married and had two children before being captured, and at least one child afterward.

Caroline - Born 2004 (18-19 years old in 2023). Supportive family, did well in school, limited social circle. She was looking forward to going to university so that she can get away from home to broaden her horizons - but not in this way.

Possible answers as to why the Vorkons need surrogates: 1) Some women want to be mothers, but just don't want to be bothered with pregnancy. Humans are cheap substitutes. 2) The Vorkons have been modifying themselves genetically for a few generations, and in pursuit of some genetic traits have managed to botch things to the point where they most can't get pregnant natively. Using humans as surrogates is one attempt to fix the problem.

The Black Void may be some form of Artificial Intelligence that seeks out the "best" surrogate candidates. Its effectiveness is questionable.

Some or all of the male staff at the hospital may be human. The Vorkons may be subcontracting some of the care and control of the surrogates to men that they Black Void has lured and may think that the way things are set up is fine by human standards.

Also, perhaps most surrogates don't come back after they are taken away to give birth. (Ulrike would be an exception.) The reason why would be a mystery to those left behind. Do the women die? Do they return to our world? Are they assigned to other jobs? Do they stay with the new family as a servant or pet?
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Re: Heads Up

Post by JH »

Sorry for the delay in responding. I went away on vacation on the day that you posted, and have only just returned home.

I like your ideas. Of the two suggested possible reasons for the Vorkons' use of surrogates, I prefer the second. Of course it's possible that none of the humans know the reason.
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Re: Heads Up

Post by JH »

I like the new episode (8443 for anyone reading this some time hence). I'd envisaged the babies being taken away immediately after birth, but having them remain with their surrogate mother for a few months after birth is probably more interesting. That the Vorkon biological mothers don't want them back immediately suggests that they aren't very maternal.
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