Technical difficulties

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Technical difficulties

Post by Anableps »

I was trying to create an episode with the second option for the NEQ Episode 95146, which should generate PHP for episode 99448. It looks the Black Void has the same behavior.

When I tried to create the page, I received this message:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_magic_quotes_gpc() in /home/public/extend-a-story/story-1/code/general.php:31 Stack trace: #0 /home/public/extend-a-story/story-1/code/create.php(746): prepareParam('') #1 {main} thrown in /home/public/extend-a-story/story-1/code/general.php on line 31

No worries. The error message is a not a bad story in itself. The introduction is short and dramatic - "fatal error." The plot thickens as the error is also "uncaught," implying foul play. A fantasy element enters in the story as the mystery of the "magic quotes" needs to be solved. The crime took place in public. The story wanders a bit as the author talks about the minutae of codes and side stories, but gains momentum as Detective Stack was called in, and found a clue. Param was involved, and he (or she?) likely entered the electrical plant at the train station, and shut off power at the mains by throwing the switch. Under the cover of the resulting darkness, the fatal error was committed on the platform that serves line 31.
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Re: Technical difficulties

Post by JH »

Thanks for the report. I would guess that the Extend-A-Story database software has recently been updated and that this has somehow broken some thing. I don't think Sir Toby looks in on the forum very often, so I'll email him a "heads up" to look at your post. Should you encounter any further problems of this nature, I'd suggest emailing Sir Toby directly to save a bit of time. His email address is on the home page.
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Sir Toby
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Re: Technical difficulties

Post by Sir Toby »

Thanks for the heads up, and the clever narrative of the error. I believe this issue should be fixed now. Let me know if you're still seeing issues.

And, yes, JH is correct: I don't visit this forum very often. An email to me will generally get a faster response:
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