Any news on when Horsehockey will return?

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Any news on when Horsehockey will return?

Post by Lots42 »

I'm willing to wait as long as it takes, I'm just hoping for any news.
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Ben McClellan II
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Post by Ben McClellan II »

Reaibn knows. Give him time.

Or, you can message him on Facebook if you want. I know you two are friends there.
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Horsehockey v5.0: Ongoing! horsehockey dot ORG
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Post by JH »

I see that at some point within the last few days has lost its DNS entry, which can't be a good sign. :(
Ben McClellan II
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Post by Ben McClellan II »

And Reaibn still isn't answering any messages...

So yeah, I guess it's over.

(If I knew more about running personal websites, I would have started a new version by now.)
Twitter: @benmcclellan

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Post by JH »

I'm sad that all those episodes that we wrote have presumably been lost, as well as the plot summaries on The total failure of Reaibn to give us any warning that the site was going down was the worst aspect, as it meant that there was no opportunity to back anything up. I do still have text files containing episodes that I wrote off together with the episodes that I wrote off them (eg 123.txt for episode 123 and my episode written off it), but working out which file followed on from which in order to combine them into coherent stories would be very difficult.
Ben McClellan II
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Post by Ben McClellan II »

Like I said, if I knew more about launching and running a website, I would do it. I might start researching into this. And since horsehockey dot NET has long been available, I might just buy that domain in the future once I learn something.

If it helps, another friend asked me about what happened to Horsehockey and I told her Reaibn let it go offline and he wasn't talking to anyone. She responded that he usually neglects his projects online when he's "in love" and offered to message him to see what was going on. I can only surmise Reaibn blew her off, too.

The only text files I have from the last version of Horsehockey are the first episode, and that monster thread I posted in early 2013. Other than that, everything else I wrote disappeared, unless the Internet Archive saved some of our lost work...
Twitter: @benmcclellan

Horsehockey v5.0: Ongoing! horsehockey dot ORG
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Post by JH »

I had a look on the Internet Archive a few months ago, and there didn't seem to be a copy of the addventure, presumably because it's held in a database rather than as straight HTML files. There was a copy of the forum, but almost all of the content required you to be logged in to read it and - not surprisingly - it wasn't possible to log in. Very frustrating.

If you do decide to go ahead with your own Horsehockey, I'd be happy to chip in something towards the cost, if you have a Paypal account that I could make a donation to.
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Post by JH »

For the first time in ages, I tried going to the Horsehockey website. It now says "This domain is expired. For renewal instructions please click here." and "This domain name will be available soon. Inquire now!" The "inquire now" was a link, and I was very tempted to click on it but didn't.
Ben McClellan II
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Post by Ben McClellan II »

A couple of months ago, Reaibn did make a rare appearance on my Facebook page when I was asking my friends about the card game called Cards Against Humanity, and he linked me with a site where it's possible to play it online against strangers.

I made sure to ask him if he hadn't forgotten about Horsehockey, and he told me we would "talk about it soon".

I still have yet to have that, or any kind of conversation with him since.

Who knows, he may genuinely have a full schedule going on in his life.
Twitter: @benmcclellan

Horsehockey v5.0: Ongoing! horsehockey dot ORG
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