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25718 - Not intended to offend

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 5:58 am
by Anableps
There was a discussion on the religion in the NEQ sometime back. It appeared to me that the consensus was that it varied from polytheistic to vaguely Christian, depending on where and who you were. 25718 touches on these themes. In this episode, although the farmers and the Glider are monotheistic, neither has an identifiable affinity with any specific religion that I can see.

I did had some concerns about the use of religious themes: specifically, the two different approaches to prayer and the old question about how a benevolent God can allow evil in this world. I tried to write the episode so that nobody would be seen as "winning" a debate. My use of these elements is solely to illustrate a character's mindset or to advance the action of the story. If it appears that I am using this episode either to preach or to attack religious belief, then artistically it has failed. Any 'great questions' introduced in this episode are meant merely to contrast how the farmers and Checkers think, as well as serve as a departure point for what I hope will be a good story.