Rule 84:1 Dan Knapp VALID Style +0.5 Rule 84:2 Dan Knapp UNSUCCESSFUL Rule 84:3 Andre Engels OUT OF TIME ====================================================================== Rule 84:1 > >>>>>> > It was a typical day at the office. Fred was organizing his Rolodex > Cards, and had just gotten up to the 'Q's. He was almost done with them, > until he noticed that there were two cards for 'Qzapple Industries'. > All future rules must mention a new trivial problem that Fred > encounters, and explain how he solved the problem in the last rule. > <<<<<< Validity : this is a first Rule. Almost nothing could go wrong, right ? Style : I'd hoped for something more imaginative. +.5 for being the first to post a Rule, +.5 for starting off in an office setting appropriate to the Theme, -.5 for unimaginative round pattern and initial restriction. ====================================================================== Rule 84:2 > >>>>>> > It was a typical day at the office. Fred was organizing his Rolodex > Cards, and had just gotten up to the 'Q's. He was almost done with them, > until he noticed that there were two cards for 'Qzapple Industries'. > All future rules must mention a new trivial problem that Fred > encounters, and explain how he solved the problem in the last rule. > <<<<<< Validity: well, I'd better explain. That post was sent to the Judge's address, and CC:ed to the list - so I received two "84:1"s. I reviewed the ROs and nothing in there says where Rules should be sent; ordinarily that wouldn't matter, but in _this_ round, anything that can conceivably go wrong... will. ;) This therefore fails for not obeying 84:01, but we're just beginning, so I'll be lenient and rule UNSUCCESSFUL, as this was not intended to be a second Rule. (Eligibility is not affected.) Style: +.5 for being on theme. ====================================================================== Rule 84:3 I'm afraid I'm too late already, but if not: <<>> Well, thought Fred, that shouldn't be so difficult. We just name them 'Qzapple Industries 1' and 'Qzapple Industries 2'. He tried to add the number in the name field of the Rolodex cards, but found that there was no ink left in his pen. All problems are either problems with or problems caused by the solution of the last problem, with the exception of the first problem of course. <<>> (not been judged as it was indeed too late)