Fred Versus The Terrorists

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 99843

Fred is now in the facility's top-end car depot, where the managers and the bosses keep their vehicles. It is half filled, but something has happened. Most of the fancy cars left behind, thirty of them, are severely damaged in some way.

  1. Fred chills in one of the few undamaged fancy vehicles.
  2. Fred tries to flee in an undamaged vehicle, though this attracts attention.
  3. Fred shoots an undamaged vehicle.
  4. Leaking fuel fills the area with fumes. Fred hallucinates giant purple seagulls.
  5. Fred finds some Gatorade in a mechanic's workbench and punches it because of fumes.
  6. Four civilians are hiding in a car that is only moderately damaged.
  7. The garage doors open.
  8. The garage doors fall off.
  9. A manhole in the floor had been removed...

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