A Girl and Her Unicorn.....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 9544

Later, Hannah yawns and finds the unicorn looking soulfully and worshipfully up into her eyes. She and the unicorn then jump in surprise as they hear the soulful crying of a young girl off in the distance.

The Unicorn turns back and slavishly looks into this.....wonderful beings eyes one more time and thus the VERY last part - in what had been an hour long ritual he'd performed over her unconscious form - of the transmutation. Now, it is complete....this transformation of the young girls. A bond forms between girl and unicorn that nothing short of death will break (in fact when one dies....the other will die instantly). The male unicorn nods slightly in satisfaction as a small "nub" forms on the woman's forehead (looks like a jewel is there.....but is in reality an alicorn just like the one that forms on HIS forehead when he assumes human form). At the moment, it's hidden by a fall of hair that hangs down fetchingly (in the unicorn's opinion) over her left eye. Revelations will come later.....

Later, for he's still has much to get over with upon finding such a PURE hearted maiden.....a one in a billion shot. So special is it that a unicorn is compelled to gift this wonderful being with much more than friendship. Much more...... and it will help her get over the remnants of that SOB's love spell that is still lingering on this incredibly beautiful (in mind and soul....almost like a newborn.....). Only under THE CORRECT circumstances can a unicorn gives this gift......

But right now his lifemate looks to be interested in seeing what the noise is about.

Frankly, the noble unicorn's heart is curious himself. He never could turn his back on the suffering of young human innocents.

  1. So unicorn and former knight and former village lass go off to see the source of the little girl's misery......

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