What a Darling Man!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 9410

What a darling man he was, Hannah thought to herself. So kind, so considerate, so good in every way. It was going to seem like a very long six months before she could marry him. At least in the meantime she could be his housekeeper - do his cooking and his cleaning and so forth. Then Belboz spoke again: "Before we get married, there is a little task I would like you to do for me. It's nothing really, but it will help to show that you are truly worthy to be my wife." "Of course, sir," said Hannah, eager to please. "Is it the housekeeping?"

  1. "In a way."
  2. "No. Another wizard has something that is rightfully mine, and you are the very person to get it back for me."
  3. "I have succeeded in capturing a unicorn, and it needs taming. You'll have heard of the remarkable effect that young maidens have on unicorns?"

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