As the Curse Turns....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 9368

"Would you," asked Astra. "...have any magical means of locating Andrea?"

Belboz didn't seem to have heard, he simply continued mixing some liquids in a clay vessel.

Astra cleared her throat and said again, "Belboz, would you have a way to find Andrea?"

Still the mage did not respond to her. He seemed very involved in the mashing of some herbs and the warming of said liquid.

Astra punched the man in the arm. "Belboz!" she yelled. "At least turn around when you're being spoken to!"

Belboz did turn and face her. "Number one, that HURT! Number two, I'm busy trying to help YOU; this isn't easy you know...why, one misstep and you could wind up looking like a wombat or dead or worse! Now, quiet!" Then the mage returned to fixing some ingredients within a paste-like substance. Astra blushed out of embarassment.

Fred meanwhile sat pondering how he might accomplish the death of the mage. ~~I'll wait until he's, wait....everyone needs to be asleep. then I can strangle him! or slit his throat! or gut him! or....nah! needs to be inconspicuous or else my jig will be up. well, there are enough intoxicants and toxicants around this place for me to concoct some kinda poison....or maybe find myself a poisonous plant and....but then I could....or.....and what if.....~~ And so on and so on went the knight's twisted mind. His biggest problem was one of not getting caught, of not even being suspected.

  1. Meanwhile....

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