Fred kills the Third Shoggoth

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 923

Fred sliced open her neck and she crumpled in a broken heap to the floor.

"Tis' the Redeemer's justice done upon this vile queen of darkness." Fred proclaimed and turned to leave. But then two men, dressed in black robes from head to toe, burst into the room.

"Ayee!!!" one yelled. "Our lady Shoggoth has been slain by this interloper!"

"Then we must lope his head and inter his body!" the other agreed. They both drew curved sabers and lunged at Fred. They were not, however, skilled swordsmen. The first moved in with his saber extended at full arm's length, as if he intended to make shishkebob of our hero. Fred countered with an arc-radial swing, knocking the fiend's saber out of his hand and snap-kicking him in the head to deal with the other one, who was coming in from the side. This one at least knew a basic sword stance, but a few stabs put him off balance, and then Fred swung up and around, cleaving the man's head from his shoulders. The other Acolyte of Shoggoth had recovered at that point, and dashed at Fred with a dagger, but Fred dodged and scythed wide, turning away in contempt as his enemy fell in half with a scream.

"Velus." Fred said.

The dog-teen barked in readiness to answer.

"Have you led me into the evil bosom of some infernal cult?" Fred asked disapprovingly.

Velus whined in shame and put his tail between his legs.

"Nevertheless." Fred continued. "Time is precious. Hurry, Velus, you must take me to the Dragon."

Velus barked with excitement and lunged out the door, Fred following closely. They ran through cavernous halls, emerging at last at a fork leading left and right.

"Which way, Velus?" Fred asked urgently. Velus sniffed about cautiously, and then let loose a tremendous howl of anguish. He did not know.

"Oh well." Fred sighed. "It seems I have to choose again."

  1. Fred takes the left.
  2. Fred takes the right.

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