Dragon's Blood

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 9101

From the Diary of Lord Fredrigo D'Honaire:

With all my strength, I lunged for the Dragon. The Dragon had not expected anything remotely like that. Before he could react, I had pierced his heart, and he died.

The Warrior Rabbits were dazed, then reverted to human form as the Dragon's magic died with him. I had saved the Kingdom. I was so glad that I had not noticed at the time that a drop of the Dragon's blood had fallen into a small cut on my hand...

The former Warrior Rabbits, humans who had been transformed into rabbits, were grateful to have been turned back to normal. They decided to form a nation down here, along with all those others the Dragon had captured or enchanted. They asked Astra to lead them, but she declined, saying that her responsibility lay back in Aquilaria.

We left the Dragon's cave and moved for my castle. Belinda and Carola were alive and well. We decided to go to my King's castle, and ask the King to form an expedition to escort them back to Aquilaria. For the way from my kingdom to Aqularia was long and fraught with peril. The King said that this would be an excellent idea, and would strengthen the ties between my kingdom and Aquilaria. He also said that I would be the logical person to lead it. I was glad to have been chosen, for I would not have to take leave of Astra, and perhaps she would fall in love with me along the way. Everything seemed to be going perfectly. But I had no idea of how horribly wrong things would go.

The King outfitted an expedition to take Astra, Belinda, and Carola back to Aquilaria. That night, we set out. I slept in the woods, when we camped out. I had a very turbulent dream.

In my dream, I felt myself flying. I felt joyful, powerful, more in control than I ever had in my entire life. Then, I felt pain on my skin. It was human warriors shooting arrows at me. They appeared very small. I moved down to kill my attackers. I realized that they were warriors of my own kingdom. I opened my mouth, and out came a stream of fire which killed the warriors...

I woke up. Then, I looked down at my right hand, and it was scaly like the skin of a dragon.

I woke Astra up. I showed her what had happened. She said that, according to legend, if the warrior who killed a dragon had dragon's blood fall into his veins at the moment of the Dragon's death, he would turn into a Dragon. I asked if there was any wizard who could cure me of this curse. She told me

  1. That there was a wizard near here that could cure me.
  2. That the court wizard of Aquilaria was a specialist in Dragons, and could probably cure me.
  3. That she knew of no wizard who could cure me, but...

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