The middle of nowhere

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 88582

Everywhere Astra looked, she saw trees; horrible deciduous trees. After being so long in a cave, she missed trees; but the trees she wanted to see were the beautiful jungle trees of her homeland. She attempted to take a step, but was unable to feel the ground beneath her feet.

She looked down. There was, indeed, ground beneath her feet. It was a dirt road, or the beginnings of one, for in places the path was still scorched from the vegetation that had been burned to open it. The ground itself was slightly slanted, as if on a mountain side.

Astra looked up and down the road, and saw a signpost in the distance. She approached it and read, "Nowhere Road, Georgia."
An arrow pointing south indicated, "Athens: 3 miles."
An arrow pointing north indicated "Sandy Creek Dam: 3 miles"

"Great," she thought, "I'm literally in the middle of nowhere!"

At that moment, she heard clomping. She turned and saw a man on horseback, wearing a tricorne hat, coming towards her. Thinking nobody else would come down the road in a long while, she waved at the man, who stopped his horse.

Astra approached him and asked, "Excuse me, sir. Would you happen to know how to get to Allaria or Aquilaria from here?"

The man surveyed her carefully from his horse, and then said,

  1. "Aaaaaaah! It's a g... g... ghost!"
  2. "My god. Are you an angel?"
  3. "Aklaria? What is that, some island in the Pacific?"
  4. "No, but I can take you to the nearest town"

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