The Quest for the Crystallic

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 87660

And so the Quest for the Crystallic began. And if it were true that the fearsome dragons knew not where to look, so it was also true that they knew where not to look. Certainly it had once been in the possession of Minestus, but a thorough search of his lair proved that it was there no longer. The obvious conclusion was that it was now in the hands of those that had helped Malachi in her attack upon Minestus. But who were Malachi's accomplices? And did they know what the Crystallic was? And more importantly, did they know how to use it?

The answer to the first question was simple enough - Malachi had her own Dragon Circle, if anyone would have been foolhardy enough to help her, it would have been that pathetic band of malcontents. Unfortunately, despised as they were, they kept a very low profile. Finding them would not be so simple. The two most prominent of Malachi's pack were Sigin the Waverider and Meridu the Ebonwing. Sigin was known to pass his time near the great sea to the east, so that would be the direction to start looking for him. But Meridu was like a ghost, her appearances fleeting and few and far between.

But there was one other who might lead them to their prize, and he was much easier to find. Synizn the Outcast.

Synizn had once been a most promising dragon, full of strength and ambition. But alas, he had cast his lot with Malachi and in the end Minestus had blasted him with a most terrible curse. His dragonhood had been stripped from him, leaving him with the frail form of a human body, and then his human form had been tainted with the dread torture of lycanthropy. Now he spent his days wandering the wild woodlands of Ryngard baying at the moon at night and plying his now pitiful store of magic tricks during the day. Finding him would be child's play.

But the other questions still remained - did they know what the Crystallic was and did they know how to use it? If the answer was yes, then simply swooping down upon their prey could prove most disastrous. Prudence demanded that the hunt be conducted with stealth and cunning.

And so each dragon went on its way, each intent on being the one to take the Crystallic for its own.

Each, of course, hunted for the Crystallic in its own way. Sythabus returned to his desert stronghold and spent countless hours before his scrying pool. Morgithus too remained in the safety of his lair, sending out spies and agents to pick up any clue as to the whereabouts of Malachi's allies. Moreau, brooding on her nightmare haunted island, would loose her werewolf packs in the dead of night in the hope of sniffing out her enemies. While Sylena prefered a more hands on approach, and tales began to spread of a beautiful woman in silver and white seen roaming the lands north, south, west and east. As for Meclandru, he pursued his claim in a more brutish manner -- he took on the form of man, a giant berserker, and went from town to town challenging all who would be heroes and leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. He hoped in this way to gain the attention of Malachi's compatriots and so have them come to him.

But alas months passed and Malachi's Dragon Circle and the Crystallic too remained as hidden as ever.

But we know what happened to it. For indeed the Crystallic, after having been handed over to Lord Fred and Princess Astra, did eventually come into the possession of Synizn. And Synizn, hoping to regain his draconic powers, used it upon himself. But his knowledge of the dread artifact was not enough to achieve his goal. Instead he was transformed into a demi-fox. Learning that Minestus' Dragon Circle was intent on hunting him down and taking the Crystallic for their own, Synzin gave up hope of mastering the Atlantean device and chose instead to destroy it. Presenting himself to Lord Fred and Astra, now happily married and living in Aqualaria, he begged them to help him. They honored his brave request and traveled with him to the Isle of Normady where they met up with the elusive Sigin. But just as they were about to embark on their voyage to the ruins of Atlantis they were suddenly ripped away from the world they knew and taken to a parallel world full of mystery and danger.

Which brings us up to the present point in time.

The quest is obviously over, for the prize is gone, taken to another world. But Minestus' Dragon Circle doesn't know that. And so their hunt continues, and the longer their prey goes uncaught the more frenzied the hunt shall become.

  1. Follow along as the evil dragons continue their maddeningly fruitless search...

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