Caught in the Act

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 87582

Once the healer had arrived to tend to Matthias, following Fred's orders Luc had gone out into the town on a shopping trip. If possible, he was to get some more suitable attire for Princess Exotica (armour was neither appropriate nor comfortable for her to wear) and a new sword for Fred himself. (Though Fred's old armour would clearly no longer fit him after having been resized by Adele for Exotica, armour could not be bought "off the peg" but had to be made to measure, so that would have to wait until he could visit an armoury himself.)

Luc had three problems. One was that his master had not considered the possibility of expenses such as these when deciding what to take on his expedition, so he had less money to play with than was ideal. At least Fred hadn't seen the need to take any of their money into the caves in his backpack, as his backpack had been lost thanks to Adele. Another problem was that he had no idea what size Exotica was. Finally, he knew nothing whatsoever about buying clothes for women.

He did the best he could, and returned the best part of an hour later, Many of the people on the streets had been gazing at the Shreken range on the southern horizon. Even at this distance, the after-effects of Elaine's battle with Minestus were clearly visible, a plume of smoke rising from what had previously been a long-dormant volcano.

Returning to the inn, he checked up on Matthias. "He briefly came round, but he was raving," the healer told him. "I've given him a sleeping draught that should keep him out for at least the next eight hours. Hopefully he'll be better in the morning after a good night's sleep. I'll be back then to check on how he's doing."

Going upstairs to the room that he shared with Fred, he found it empty. He left the newly purchased sword there. Then he went back out into the corridor.

He was about to knock on Exotica's door, when he was alarmed to hear her shriek. Afraid that she was being attacked, he threw the door open. Looking up at him ftom the bed were two startled and guilty-looking faces. He had interrupted Fred and Exotica at the most unfortunate moment.

There was a long moment of silence, before Fred said: "It's all right, Luc. We're going to get married." All three of them knew, however, that by Allaraian moral standards it was very far from all right. A barmaid and a farm boy might be excused, but a princess and a knight and member of the nobility was a different matter.

"You won't say anything, will you Luc?" Exotica pleaded. "If my father knew..."

"No, of course not, Your Highness." (Though there was a possibility, Luc reflected, that if she was unlucky then in four or five months time it might become impossible for it to be kept secret any longer.) "Um, I've bought you some clothes. I'll leave them on this chair for you."

  1. Luc backs out of the room and closes the door behind him. Why didn't they think to bolt the door from the inside? he muses.
  2. A clanging of alarm bells interrupts them. From outside, Fred can hear the voices of the town guardsmen "The dragon appraoches!, Make ready!" How could this be!?, Was Elaine lying about the dragon being dead?
  3. Meanwhile, Adele attempts to escape from the Nexus while her father's spirit struggles with Orphyn.
  4. Euaristus and Elaine appear in the Nexus chamber.
  5. Elsewhere...

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JH (slightly revised 1st para)

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