Something Inspiring Here

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 87156

What book is Cain reading?

  1. Some X-Force graphic novel from Marvel.
  2. 'Atlas Shrugged' by Ayn Rand. In moments Cain is a raging jerk.
  3. Some Pratchett book.
  4. Some Pratchett book nobody has ever heard of before.
  5. 'The Biography of Mike Cain' by Carl Sagan.
  6. 'How To Punch Hookers' by Mike Cain.
  7. 'Josh Burbank and How to Avoid Him' by Scott Childers and Scott Chen and One Stan.
  8. 'Cats' the novel.
  9. 'Saturday Night Live' the novel.
  10. 'Farts' the novel.

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